These are just some of the conditions treatment may help:
Postural Problems
Sports Injuries
Back Pain and Sciatica
Neck Pain
Jaw Problems
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis and Golfers Elbow
Plantar Faciitis and Heel Spurs
Acute Pain
Chronic Pain
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
Treatment may also have the following benefits:
Improved Postural Alignment and Awareness
Improved Sleep
Increased Energy
Increased Healing
Balancing of the Body, Mind and Soul
Improved Physical and Emotional Pain
Please use the pages below to read more about the treatments available at Loxwood Clinic.
Fascial Release
Fascia is a 3D continuous web like structure that binds us from head to toe. The Fascia is made up of mainly collagen and elastin fibres which allows it to be strong but also have a certain amount of flexibility.
Visceral Manipulation is a technique that relates to the internal organs of the body. Visceral Manipulation is a treatment that uses gentle manipulation to release tension and compensations in the body and to help decrease pain and increase function
Medical Acupuncture (Dry Needling) is used for muscular pain relief. Medical Acupuncture is an invasive procedure where acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin and muscle directly at a myofascial trigger point.
Kinesio Taping is the use of specific elastic tape to aid in lymphatic and muscle systems. The tape is used in many different ways to help with reducing pain, support muscles during movement, help in rehabilitation to assist positioning and correction of a muscle or a joint.